Master Bedroom Decor Ideas

When thinking about the atmosphere of your bedroom, consider your five senses:

Sight: Use soothing colors, avoid busy patterns and too many pillows. Avoid clutter. The term, “Less is More” applies here. Having empty space will make your room feel more relaxing with less objects. Do not be afraid to have an open wall. This ‘white space” is relaxing to your eyes.

If at all possible, do not do any kind of work in your bedroom. Remove anything that reminds you of responsibilities and remember that there are enough pictures of your children (if you have any) in the living room. Nothing unnecessary out.

Smell: Bring scent into the room to assist with relaxation. You can do this by using a diffuser and essential oils, candles, or a linen spray. If you are unsure of which scent to try, do an internet search on relaxation scents. One of my children is hooked on candle scents that are reminiscent of Disney World. This reminds him of happy times and place he likes to revisit.

Some of the websites that I recommend for candles are: - Check out which notes are used for your location. - Search for Spa day, Stress Relief or Relaxation.

Hearing: Set up some playlists that you can listen to while getting ready in the morning or winding down in the evening. Not only could you listen to calming music, but uplifting positive vibes as well. Most automation systems make it easy for you to play these tunes in your bedroom.

Touch: Think about using different fabrics to incorporate coziness. Having a soft comfortable throw is a little luxury you can afford to indulge in.

Invest in high quality bedding. Spend some time researching fabric and seeing what is your favorite. Some of these to consider are jersey, flannel, cotton, satin and bamboo blends. The same goes for pillows - spending a few extra dollars will go a long way in how you feel during the day. How many hours to you spend in bed? Sleep is important!

Taste: Where this sense is used the least in this environment, spend your evening enjoying a hot cup of tea.

If you have the space, introduce a chair or two in your room. Even if it is small, having a sitting area is great for reading, journaling, listening to music or taking a break.


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